Rainbow Giving Australia
In 2024, the non-for-profit organisations, GiveOUT and The Aurora Group, merged to strengthen their offering. Rainbow Giving Australia is an ambitious national LGBTQIA+ foundation that connects philanthropic funds to queer community groups. With this merger in mind, we were tasked with crafting bespoke imagery that would resonate with all facets of the community for their rebrand. And so we worked with queer photographer Mia Mala McDonald to capture stunning portraits of queer Australians from all walks of life.
Our approach was to cut through the ‘happy-go-lucky’ and ‘grassroots’ approach of other charitable organisations with photography that felt heightened, stylish, and empowered.
The unique space of philanthropy led to our creative concept of ‘queer excellence’ – showcasing just how powerful our community can feel with the backing of the organisation. Each image captured a sense of perpetual motion to reference to strides being taken in the name of progress, and a feeling of stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight.
Role: Creative Lead
Our behind-the-scenes content was beautifully photographed by Lexi Murrant, capturing the rawness and emotion behind the day in black and white.
Our hero visuals and BTS shots were leveraged across owned channels and social media, complimenting one another to craft an empowered look and feel for the rebrand.